Saturday 9 April 2011

Technology we have around the centre

Here are some photos of different sorts of Technology we have around my centre.

In The Family Corner We have:

The children use the key boards to pretend they are typing in an office and they use it to recognise letters in thier name and to regonise numbers.

Cash Register
The children use the cash registers to play shops and to regonise numbers.

The children walk around the centre with the cameras and take pictures of their friends, teachers and objects around the centre. When the children ask to take a picture they say "say cheese".

Children use these to pretend to talk to their parents and they even tell the teachers that mums are on the phone.

The children use the microwave to cook the pretend food and playdough for the dolls and for their friends.

The children use the trolley when pretending to play shops or to help the teahers take toys from the junior room to senior room. The children also use it as a push chair for the dolls. 

Washing Machine
I have noticed that the children put the clothes into the washing machine then turn the knobs, they wait for a minitue then open up the washing machine and say "all clean".


I have noticed that the children put the pretend food inside and on top of the and wait for it to cook. 

The children use this as a way to watch the dishes and to wash the food.

The children use this as another way to wash the dishes.

Children use this to put the the food and plates away.

What teachers use around the centre:
Washing Machine
The teachers use this to wash the cloths after being used, to wash children's blankets and to wash their clothes.
Teachers use this to dry the cloths, children's blankets and childrens clothes
Air Conditioner / Heater
Teachers use this to cool down the room in summer and to warm up the room in winter.
Teachers use this to cool down the room in the summer.
Teachers use these remotes to turn on the air conditioner, TV and DVD player.
Teachers use this to ring parents if children are sick and to take phone calls from parents about their children if they are coming in late or are away and from staff if they are away or coming in late.
CD Player
Techers use this to play music for the children to dance to or for background music.
Teachers use the comptuers to work on children's portflio's and to download photo's.
Teachers use these to put babies in for their sleep time.
Teachers use this hang and reach things at a high level.
Photocopier and Printer
Teachers use this to photocopy and print activites, learning sotires and photo's.
Pen and Paper
Teachers use these to wirte oberservations when on the floor.
What the Children use around the centre:
Water Fountain
Children use this to have a drink when they have been playing outside or have gone for a walk.
Children use this to wash their hands before eating and after going to the toliet.
Children use these to watch stories, type their names and play games on the internet.

Technology in our Staff Room and Kitchen:
Water Cooler
Hot Water Zip



  1. Hi there Amy,
    It is amazing the technology that simply does surround us. This is great how you have set all the photos out and put the comments on the side. This would have taken me ages to work out how to do all that. Maybe I could get some tips from you.
    What is fascinating, and I love, is watching how children respond to all of this technology stuff. I love watching children's curiosity, their role playing and problem solving. Look forward to hearing and seeing more on your blog.

  2. Hi Amy, I like the way you set out your blog which clearly identified each equipment and their use. This way the children can easily learn about the use of each technology item. There is no shortage of technology stuff for your children to play and explore which is a good thing because, let's face it, we are living in a world of technology. Good on you Amy and keep up the good work. Looking forward to read some more of your work.

  3. What a brillant way to become familiar with the technology in your setting. Isn't it amazing how much technology influences our lives in so many different ways. Well I have to say that I am with Hester on this one, what great work you have done on this post. Posting up all those photos and comments by each one must not have been easy. If it was, book me in for a lesson too. You must be confident in using the blogging system as this is your first post, tino pai Amy. I have posted four of my blogs and Im still a little confused about how to do what.
