Wednesday 4 May 2011

Final reflective blog and links to comments

Yes finally my last reflection for this blog.

At the beginning of this course I thought that technology was only things that were electrical such as cameras, T.V, mobile phones, laminators etc, but I now know that everything is technology such as pens, pencils, light bulbs, water fountains etc. I never knew that every day things that the children use like the pencils they use to do drawings was technology.

According to Te Whariki “children develop familiarity with the properties and character of the materials and technology used in the creative and expressive arts” (Ministry of Education, 1996, p.80). This can be linked to my reflection on photography where the children were taking pictures of things that were special to them.
I got 4 comments on this blog and have taken onboard what these four people have said. Vandhana said that she likes the way I followed the children’s interest in this activity. She said that I created a social atmosphere when I asked the children the reasons they were taking each photo. Vandhana said by doing this it allowed the children to have a sense of belonging and realise that as an educator I am valuing the children’s interest.

Nicole made a point for a way in which I can extend on this activity, she said that I could extend the children’s interest by using the computer to print off a copy of the photos in which the children can take home or put into their centre portfolio.

Mavis said that she really liked my photo’s in my blog as it showed what I was talking about and she said it was plain to see that I observed and listened to the children with respect.

Teresa said that children enjoy photography as it gives then the freedom to explore and take photos of things that are meaningful to them.

Children develop the knowledge that trying things out, exploration, and curiosity are important and valued ways of learning (Ministry of Education, 1996, p.90). This is showing in my reflection on the three girls playing libraries and my pink play dough reflection.

Mindy commented on my little people’s library reflection she said that it is amusing how children mimic what we do and it was great that these girls had the opportunity to explore and act out occupations. Mindy gave me something to think about she said that next time these three girls or any other children play libraries to have a desk set up where customers can scan their own library cards and books themselves. Mindy mentioned to make library cards for the children, this was good as I never thought to make library cards with them.

Lucy I liked the way I included the child while making the play dough and she thought it was cool how maths was implemented when the children were playing with the play dough.

Lisa said she loved the way I let the child lead the play experience as I  let her choose the colour of the play dough. Lisa T said I captured this experience so well with all of my lovely photo's they help to tell the story.

According to Ministry of Education “technology is associated with the transformation of energy, information, and materials. Technological areas include structural, control, food, information and communications technology and biotechnology” (Ministry of Education, 2007, p.32). In my centre we have a lot of opportunities for children to use their technology skill as they are to experience all the different areas in technology especially food technology. The children in my centre love to doing cooking, weather is cooking biscuits or muffins, making play dough or even mixing water, mint and lemon together for an activity. They all so love using the cooking facilities in the family corner, they use the oven, microwave, sink, fridge and dishwasher. Technology fosters the use of both verbal and non verbal communication skills in a range of ways, for example through the use of mobile phones, email and cameras.  Technology promotes the development of mathematical knowledge and literacy (Honig, 2007: Ministry of Education, 2007).

According to Siraj-Blatchford & Whitebread (2003) “children should be finding out about and identifying the uses of technology in their everyday lives” (p.1). This means that in the centre we should be following how the children the children use technology inside and outside of the centre and how their other people in their lives use technology. In my practice I need to find out from parents what technology children use at home and how they use it.

I loved setting up and designing my blog space, I liked writing my reflections on the different types of technology that my children use in the centre and capturing those moments using photos.

The part I didn’t like about this assignment was how I had to chase people just to get comments on my blog. I had to email and text people to go on my blog other wise I would have had no comments on any of my reflections. I though that this was unfair as I would go on others people’s blog spots and they would have 17 comments on one reflection then 2 comments on another reflection and one comment on another, how fair is that. I believe that if we had of gotten into groups prior to making our blog spots it would have been a lot fairer.

I feel that my technological skills and knowledge are pretty good but I think I could improve on them by making sure I update myself with the new technological skills and knowledge in order to foster the children’s technological knowledge and skills. This is important as software on computers get updated and globalization is for ever changing in the wider world.

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